Business Coaching Insights

The Benefits OF Business Coaching

I recommend that you and every business owner find a trusted business coach and surround yourself with a powerful network of supportive people.

The most successful CEOs in the world have coaches, including the presidents of Google and Intuit—even Steve Jobs had a coach.

Business coaching can help you lay out your business strategy, make paramount decisions that will influence your growth, and get you where you want to go more objectively without all the crazy twists and turns that most business owners take.

A good coach or mentor will consider your emotional makeup, personality quirks, and work style to help identify the root causes of the things that might be holding you back from achieving your success.

Benefits Of Business Coaching
Business Coaching

Finding The Right Business Coach

Finding a business coach who has “been there, done that” in business will get you where you want to go in a fraction of the time.

Business coaching can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in opportunity costs, and make it possible to accomplish in one year what would otherwise take five.

Business coaches can help you stop from spinning in circles, wasting months or even years of deliberating on things.

They can help extricate you from the operational details that you have no business continuing to do on a daily basis, and focus more on working on your business rather than working in it.

Having a mentor or business coach to bounce off and sort through various life challenges that affect your business will also help you keep your head on straight so business can go on as usual.

Join A High-Level Mastermind

Another great way to gain amazing insights and networking opportunities is to join or create a “mastermind” group, as described by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich and later named by Jayson Gaignard in his book, Mastermind Dinners.

A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate challenges using the collective intelligence of others.

These individuals will help you get through the rough patches and can provide insights and expertise on everything from recruiting to marketing to leadership to systematizing your company.

High-Level Mastermind
Allison Maslan

For over a dozen years, as CEO of Allison Maslan International, I have been blessed to coach thousands of business owners, from their infancy to achieving revenue streams of eight and nine figures.

In 2010, I founded Pinnacle Global Network, which is a world leader in business advising and mentoring.

We guide established business owners to grow and scale solid companies, many of whom ultimately double and triple their revenue in less than one year.

Stay Engaged in the Process

Participating in business coaching is an interactive process, even when you are the subject of coaching services.

As a business owner of an established business, you also are in a position to “give back” and serve as a mentor to others.

You should always be looking for opportunities to show appreciation to your team by praising them, implementing and acknowledging their ideas, rewarding them, and providing recognition.

At the same time, you need to serve as coach and mentor and to be fair and consistent in your approach.

Reward Your Team
Be Genuine

Business Coaching Pays For Itself in Many Ways

Every interaction with your team is an opportunity for you to demonstrate by words, actions, and silence (when you are in listening mode) that you are a great leader.

Some rules of thumb to consider with every exchange with teammates include: holding them accountable, turning mistakes into lessons, grooming other leaders, stretching your team outside of their comfort zones, admitting your own mistakes, offering education, embracing conflict, avoiding excuses, keeping your word no matter what, and protecting your team.

Lastly: Be real. Be genuine. Be authentic. If you are honest and transparent with your team, then they will work hard and pay you back in dividends.