Daring to Dream: How High Would You Fly?

What goals could you achieve by daring to dream? Explore ways to conquer your fears. Who knows how high you could fly!


  • Would you venture out on a new career or start a new business?
  • Would you stop choosing unhealthy relationships?
  • Would you stop settling in life because you finally realize you deserve better?
  • Would you face the issues in your relationship and do what it takes to make it the best ever?
  • Would you rekindle that childhood dream and finally make it a reality?
  • Would you finally figure out what your passion is and bring it into your everyday life?
  • Would you challenge yourself to increase your finances to a whole new level?
  • Would you walk away from all the drama in your life?
  • Would you choose happiness over worry, anger, and grief?


Believe it or not, your life could completely transform if you began to walk through the fear and make completely new and healthy choices The only harm upon you are the thoughts of fear swimming in your head like a whirlpool. The mental torture that grips you is the most painful reality of all.

Yes. Your biggest fears are merely a figment of your delusional reality!

You have either adopted someone else’s fear, watched it on television, or you were raised in a home that shared the fear freely. If each anticipated obstacle were faced pragmatically, like a child’s first steps, you would find ease even in the falls because they are simply part of the learning curve! “Ok, that hurt my bottom a bit, but I can get up and take another step!” Living in self- judgment, fear of criticism and fear of failure is a state of imprisonment that ais holding you back from embracing life to the fullest. As an adult, you have the choice of whether you want to continue living this way. You have the power and freedom to choose to live by doing rather than fear.
The Reward: A brand new life!


The world is a scary place. Better safe than sorry. Money does not grow on trees. Do not look at life through rose-colored glasses. I will not amount to anything. True love only exists in fairy tales. Opportunities only come to the wealthy. I am not good enough. I am not smart enough. I am not beautiful enough. I am not thin enough. I am not successful enough. I am lazy. I am not capable. I cannot do it on my own. I cannot depend on anyone. It is never good enough. It has to be perfect. You might end up on the street. (one of my family’s favorites). Life is hard.

Any of those sound familiar? What would life be like if you these thoughts were not part of your brain chemistry? How different your life would be if your thoughts were the complete opposite….

The world is safe and full of beautiful and exciting possibilities.

Money is always available to me and my bank account is growing every day.

I enjoy challenging myself because I know that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to.

Opportunities are falling into my lap on a daily basis.

I am successful at all of my endeavors.

True love is mine for the taking because I deserve it.

I am dynamic.

Perfection is a waste of time and energy.

I am a winner in every realm of my life.

My life is fun and full of new adventures!

Daring to Dream: My Personal Decision

When I made the decision to sell my advertising agency and go back to school to become a homeopathic physician, I received nothing but shock, disappointment, and warning of tremendous failure from family and certain friends. How could you leave a thriving and seemingly successful career? My current road was teaching me that success does not always equate with fulfillment. How much was I willing to continue losing parts of my soul to satisfy others’ expectations of me? On the verge of a physically and emotionally stressed breakdown, I asked myself how much longer was I willing to allow fear to run my life? Making the decision to change my path was the most challenging part. The doing was simple because I was back in the flow of the real me.

Sitting at lunch with a friend, I talked about daring to dream and plans to make a career change. Instead of encouragement and shared enthusiasm, she responded, “you are making a big mistake, Allison. Do you really think anyone is going to want to pay to come to see you? You are not going to make a living at that?” Looking back, I realized that she was talking from her own fear of change. However, at the time, I instinctively knew that I needed to completely separate myself from any conflicting beliefs if I was going to be successful at achieving my goals. I walked away from that meeting saying to myself with conviction, “I will become a highly skilled homeopath and a successful one at that! And that is exactly what I did.” Daring to dream was the first step towards success.


Each day, make one small step toward your true choice of living. Whether that is envisioning your dream, making a call you have been putting off, researching a nagging desire, wearing a brighter color, singing, beginning your search, or simply speaking the truth. Write down one goal each night before bed to do the next day. Do this each night for one month. You will be amazed how these small steps (I call them Mini Feats) add up to big changes. Look back at Day One in thirty days and see how far you have journeyed on your new path.

This insight, action plan and the tools to launch your personal and professional rocket can be found in my new #1 Best Selling Book, Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality. (Feels SO good to say best selling. Wahoo!)

When your real nature speaks at the core of your belly, gather your courage and answer the calling. Walk through the fear and you will be guided to a bigger and brighter destination than you could have ever imagined.” Allison Maslan

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Allison Maslan

Allison Maslan

Allison Maslan, CEO of Pinnacle Global Network, is the Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author of Scale or Fail, which is endorsed by Daymond John and Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank. Allison’s built 10 successful companies starting out at age 19.

Now she and her team of CEO Mentors pay it forward by helping business owners scale their companies, fast-track their success, and create a more meaningful life. Pinnacle Global Network, a world leader in scaling companies and empowering business leaders has guided thousands of CEO's and Founders to success over the past decade. Allison’s been featured in Inc., Success, Fortune, Fast Company, and Forbes Magazines, is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine, and a featured expert on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and Fox across the US. She is also the host and producer of The Scale or Fail Show podcast, and the Women Who Own it Podcast in partnership with WBENC, the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in North America.

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