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How To Break Out of Your Comfort Zone & Move Past Fear
Diary of my Shark Expedition….Yes, that is me and the shark. :) My husband and I love to travel, and we share a passion for scuba diving. The world under the sea is truly magical. I became certified as a diver about 10 years ago and have had the fortune to dive into some…
Allison’s Roadmap to Success – Short-Term Goals vs. Long-Term Goals: Why You Need Both to Succeed
Have you ever had a big lofty goal or dream for your business
or your life? You put a lot of energy towards it, made great headway, yet
because of this big picture focus, you lost momentum in the important day- to -day projects
and responsibilities causing major overwhelm and chaos?
Or do you feel like you are stuck spinning in the short term
goals and projects, getting stuff done, yet only making it month to month without
the potential for the big time growth?
Your diagnosis: Too much focus on either the Short Term or Long Term Goals.
The remedy: You need to focus on both.
Allison’s Roadmap to Success- Tip#2; Just Say No
Allison’s Roadmap to Success-Tip #2 focuses on the practice of saying no. This practice helps to keep you in sync with your goals and desires and avoid distractions that can use your energy towards activities that don’t create personal forward movement. This teaches you to make true choices and feel good about your decisions.
Allison’s Roadmap to Success- Tip #1; Business Support
I recently did a survey to ask readers what they want and need most in regards to business support, implementing strategies, and guidance. I heard an overwhelming response from both new and long term entrepreneurs, asking for a road map to lead them and take their many fabulous ideas from idle to moving forward.…
Are Your Childhood Money Beliefs Draining Your Finances?
What were you taught about money when you were a child. These values could have been discussed from your parents or unknowingly taught by example. For instance, if one or both of your parents constantly complained about money and worried they would not have enough, you may have developed a belief system that money is…
Create Big Dreams and Make Big Profits in Your Business
As a life and business strategist, I take my clients through a process to find their true calling so they can turn it into a business. Or we work to expand the business they already have while making it much more fun on a daily basis. Once we get clarity on the direction, I help…
What 5 things will ensure your success in 2011? Watch now…
Instead of posting an inspiring New Year’s message, I hope you find some inspiration from my two latest television interviews this week in San Diego. Tips to Blast Off for 2011! Here is my Fox San Diego Interview from December 30th. Also, here is my XETV San Diego interview from December 28th. Yes,…
Another Great Horse and The Champion Inside of You….Be Inspired
I just watched the movie Secretariat. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. The story is about much more than an amazing racehorse. Secretariat’s owner, Penny Chenery, was pressured from all sides to sell her father’s horse to save the farm. Her own brother urged her to give up due to financial…
What if Failure Was Not an Option?
What if failure was not an option in any venture or challenge you embarked on? What if you took the idea of failure off the table altogether? How would that change the landscape of your life? What would you be willing to experience or create on a daily basis? I believe that one of the…