Business Coaching
One Focus Tip that Will Revolutionize your Business
Let’s discuss another best practice for the workplace. Here is a focus tip that will revolutionize your business. One of the biggest challenges in running a business from day to day is consistently getting your work done amidst all those distractions. As CEO, your time is valuable. You want to be working ON your company,…
How To Find Out When You’re Paying Too Much For SEO
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is complex and is still something we’re all learning more and more about every day. The basic premise to know is that for a particular website to rank at a good position in search engine results, proper search engine optimization is required. It’s important for everyone, but especially for the…
How Use Webinars to Connect With Your Customers
Small business owners need to maintain an ongoing dialogue with their customers. With social media taking the world by storm, some owners have forgotten about the webinar. This is unfortunate. Webinars are one of the lowest cost content marketing tools to build authority, connect with audiences and receive real-time feedback. I’m a big fan of…
Create New Revenue Sources to Ensure Cash Flow
Small businesses are urged to create new revenue sources, because multiple revenue sources ensure that there’s always cash flow. Like the old adage suggests, it’s never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. If the basket drops, your eggs are no more. If your industry trends shift, sales can suffer; if…
How To Charge What You’re Worth In Business!
How much should you get paid? When you’re an employee, it’s a relatively easy question to answer. Go online to a site like Glassdoor and look up median salaries in your field. Factor in geographical location, and you’ll quickly find out what you should earn. What about when you’re a freelancer or consultant with your…
Business Apps That Make Life Easier
As a business owner and mentor, I am continually looking for great opportunities and innovative tools for myself and my clients. It is my smartphone that keeps me up to date on most of this information. I can use it anywhere to keep in contact with the office, help out with communications issues, access notes…
How to Successfully Drive Traffic with Email Marketing
When marketing your business, your database is your gold. I talk to business owners all the time that do not realize the value of their list. My clients often ask me, “Allison, how can I build my database, and stay in touch with my clients, without bothering them or risking them unsubscribing from my list? Today…