Pinnacle Global Network Strategic Mentoring and Mastermind

As a CEO, it can be lonely at the top. Everyone is depending on you and the pressure can get intense at times. Who do you reach out to for support? Who do you talk about your business challenges and who do you derive clarity from on your next big leap?

Your friends won't understand, and you cannot confide in your employees. One of the smartest things you can do, hands down, is ask for help from business experts that have been there and done it. They have been in the trenches just like you and went on to scale very successful companies.

You will quickly see with expert direction, the journey does not need to be so hard.

When you are surrounded by a CEO Mentor and a powerful business network of movers and shakers that understands your goals and your vision, you will shoot to the top so much faster.

Asking for support is not a weakness. It is a sign of strength and what the most successful business owners do.

With Pinnacle Global Network’s Business Coaching Services, we are here to show you:

There is more, for your life and your business

  • You’ve created great success, but you’re still working ridiculous hours.
  • You’ve had some traction, but you can’t seem to make that next big leap.
  • You feel isolated and lonely, both at work and in your personal life.
  • You’re trying to make decisions by yourself without the support from someone who’s been there before.
  • You feel overwhelmed with everything you’re trying to manage.
  • You struggle to build the right team.
  • You know you need to lead, but you don’t know how to stop being a “worker bee.”
  • You’ve plateaued for months or even years—and you’re starting to get burned out.
  • You know your business could be a lot bigger and more successful than it is now.
  • You feel the urgency of wanting to achieve your big dreams but they feel out of reach.

There is more, for your life and your business.

Speak to a Pinnacle Specialist and apply for a complimentary strategy session.


You've always wanted to scale your business, go global, and make a significant contribution to the world.

To do that, you need to stop standing in your own way.

We've spent more than a decade helping thousands of business owners scale to 7, 8, and 9 figures.

And during that time, we've seen the same thing over and over.

Most business owners inevitably reach a point in their growth where they hit a wall.

Because they simply don't have the right tools and support to achieve the next level of success.

So instead, they do what they've always done.

Working 60, 70, and 80 hours a week in their business–while their life passes them by.

Micromanaging, weighing in on every decision, without realizing that the quality of those decisions decreases with each new one they make.

Missing opportunities. Seeing market-share decline. Panicking over declining financial performance. Watching employee morale sink.

Feeling exhausted, buried, and burned out and wondering how they got here.

If this is you, then allow us to share a piece of wisdom we hope will help you get some relief...

Unless you do something different-something radically different-nothing is going to change.


When you join PGN, you'll surround yourself with a team of expert mentors who've grown their own companies to 7 and 8 figures-often more than once.

You'll benefit from tried and tested strategies and tools.

And you'll draw on the experience and support of hundreds of founders and owners just like you.

As a result, you'll break through what's holding you back and learn to love your business again.

You'll stop second-guessing because you'll have support every step of the way.

And you'll reach your goals in an unimaginably short time-

With just a fraction of the effort.

Steve Miccio

“For seven years, I was drowning in the daily minutiae of my business. Through Pinnacle Global Network, we are on our way to building a $200-million-dollar company, and I am finally getting my life back. In fact, in less than two years, we have grown by 8 million in revenue. It gives me so much comfort knowing I have the Pinnacle Global Network team behind me.”

Steve Miccio

CEO, Projects to Empower

The Many Advantages of Pinnacle Global Network Membership

Ongoing Private Direction

In most Masterminds, you only get the support of the group. PGN is different. 1:1 Private Mentoring on Zoom is a big part of your membership. Through an in-depth assessment, we determine who will be the best mentor for you. All of our mentors have built highly successful companies and are experts at helping CEOs scale their businesses. We help business owners get out of their own way, build a team-managed company and a scalable model to multiply your growth, impact and profits. Your mentor will help you build your Strategic Plan and then guide you all along the way to make sure your big vision becomes a reality.


Intimate Powerhouse Mastermind Calls

In addition to working with your CEO Mentor privately, you will also join a small group virtual mastermind of 5-7 incredible business owners. This small group will keep your momentum going, fast-track your solutions and hold you accountable to reach your big goals.


Live Pinnacle Events with the World's Top Business Experts

These workshop-style meetings, in person and virtual, give you total creative immersion for you and your business and provide actionable strategic planning led by Allison, the PGN Team and the world’s leading experts. These are now Hybrid, In-Person, and Virtual. You leave with a clear plan in place and ready to hit the ground running.

Think Tank Zoom Calls with Allison Maslan and the Team

Break through obstacles and embrace new growth opportunities during these incredibly inspiring and solution-oriented monthly Zoom calls with Allison and PGN Community Members.


Complete Access to our Vast Library of Signature Business Tools and Trainings on anything you need for your business growth.

Signature Trainings, tools and strategies at your fingertips on all areas of business growth from the top experts in Vision, Marketing, Sales, Strategic Planning, Operations, Team, Culture, Hiring and so much more... through our Pinnacle Global Network Library.


A Community of Generosity and Resources

Our members also participate in an exclusive worldwide network of high-achieving business owners that give community, connection and powerful accountability. You always have a team and community to lean on and lift you up! It's lonely at the top. The good does not have to be anymore!


Ongoing Access for your Decision Making and Support.

Have a decision to make, or a big opportunity at your feet? We know that not taking action means lost revenue. You don’t need to wait for your next mentoring appointment or mastermind. Just reach out to your Mentor. We are here for you!

Andrea Jensen

“Investing in Pinnacle Global Network has easily been one of the BEST business decisions I have ever made. My income has DOUBLED every year since working together. Year #1-2: Grew 108% Year #2-3: Grew 138%. Because of Pinnacle Global Network and Allison Maslan, I’ve taken both my business and life to a whole new level.”

Andrea Jensen

CEO, The Cash Flow CFO

Why Pinnacle Global Network?

As a business owner looking to scale your company and maximize your potential, you have some awfully large goals on your to-do list. Those goals can be completely achievable-if you have the right kind of support and guidance in place.

Growing a business to the $1 million mark-and then scaling it to $10 million, $20 million, and beyond-takes specialized knowledge and a specific skillset from someone who's been there themselves. You'll face challenges, pitfalls, sticking points, and growing pains that you've never experienced before. With an experienced, successful CEO sharing their experience and guiding you toward success, you can get to where you want to go within a fraction of the time. Our clients multiply their revenue and profits over and over again. In fact, many of them stay year-after-year because after working with Pinnacle, they cannot imagine doing it alone again.

The number of people who know how to address these challenges–and have conquered them–is small. And the number of those that are willing and able to coach others is even smaller.

But you’ll find our team of PGN Business Mentors waiting to help you when you join Pinnacle Global Network.

And when you join the Pinnacle Global Network, they'll empower you with the strategies and tools to bring your "big, hairy audacious goals" to life... and to serve the world in a much bigger way.

They've faced the same issues, hit the same walls, and conquered the same challenges you're experiencing now and scaled to the other side.
The difference between our CEO Mentors and a typical "business coach?" Our mentors know the way through--and they'll be with you every step of the way as you scale.

Marshall Doyle

“Since applying the SCALEit Method™, we have more than 5x our business within a very short period of time. We went from 35 team members to now over 100. I only attend one meeting a week and actually take vacations and truly disconnect. On top of that, I have been able to acquire over 20 companies in the last few years. Thank you Pinnacle. It feels amazing.”

Marshall Doyle


Get Strategy, Support, And Tools
From A Team of Multi-Million-Dollar CEOs

Boost Revenue

When you join Pinnacle Global Network, we'll start with a detailed look at your business–where you are, where you want to be, what challenges you're facing, and which opportunities you're overlooking that could dramatically boost your revenue.

Coaching Goals

Next, based on your goals and challenges, we’ll select a coach who has the business background best suited to help guide you to your goals. This coach will serve as your primary business mentor throughout your year in Pinnacle Global Network.


You’ll have access to the wisdom of our entire team. We meet weekly as a group to review the progress of all of our members. And we’re in constant contact with each other to ensure that all Pinnacle Global Network members are getting what they need.

Do Something

And whenever you have to do something—prepare a proposal, make a big decision with far-reaching ramifications, hire someone, troubleshoot a problem—we’ll be there for you.

Hit Targets

You’ll be given training on exactly what you need to hit your targets, as well as customized tools to help you get there. You’ll also have access to monthly training with Founder Allison Maslan, group coaching calls, our library of plans, systems and tools, and much more.

In short, you’ll have everything you need to take your business to the next level—no matter how ambitious that level is.

Neil Gwartzman

“My wife and I are in Pinnacle Global Network together. We run several companies—and just from one we recently started here in PGN, we added several million in revenue. Also, a big bonus: our marriage is even better now because we communicate more, and we get to work on ourselves and our business together!”

Neil Gwartzman

Co-Founder, Private Label University

“What Got You Here Won't Get You There..."

So why keep doing what got you here?

Pinnacle Global Network members routinely multiply their revenue–by 2x, 3x, 4x, and more--within 6 to 18 months of joining the group.

In other words, passing up the opportunity to join our exclusive network could mean giving up millions of dollars in additional revenue.

But that's not the only way you'll pay for inaction.

Where will you be in 1 year if you don't move forward today by requesting a private consultation?

How much time will you waste on activities that don't produce results--or on trying to solve problems you have no idea how to fix?

How much energy will you waste being frustrated and drained by your business?

How much damage will your health and relationships suffer because your business demands so much attention?

How small will you keep playing?


Take This 5-Minute Quiz To Find Out Your #1 Scale Blocker.


“Since working with Pinnacle Global Network, we have positioned ourselves for big growth—increasing our revenue by $5 million in just three years. And we are not stressed out. It’s an amazing place to be.”

Bonnie Lucas

CEO, Law Enforcement Specialists

Participation Is Strictly Limited To Ensure Personal Attention

Only a scant handful of membership spots come available every month-and applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Book your exploratory call now to avoid disappointment.

Christina Mercy

“I have never been a joiner (of anything) and have always resisted “networking” and “groups” of any kind. If I had joined the PGN community ten years ago, I would have achieved in only three years what it took me a decade to do on my own.”

Christina Mercy

CEO, Sia Botanics

It's Time For You To Get Your Life Back-And Inquire About Membership In Pinnacle Global Network

If you’re ready to:

  • Take more time off without your business falling apart
  • Deepen your relationships with the people who matter the most to you
  • Grow your wealth and build an asset that can support your future
  • Focus on what’s really important to you
  • And enjoy more happiness, energy and passion

Then your next step is to request a Complimentary Strategy Call to discuss your options with a Pinnacle Global Network business strategist.

What could you accomplish if you had…

  • One-on-one access to someone who had been where you are—and has gotten to where you want to go?
  • Friends and colleagues around the world—each of whom also ran a successful business, any one of whom you could turn to when you were stuck?
  • Quick, clear answers to your toughest questions and challenges?
  • Access to proven strategies, plans, tools, systems, and resources to help you scale—exactly when you needed them?
  • And the peace of mind that came with a business that ran itself without you?

If you want a different life—

If you want to get your life back

You need to set yourself free.

And we can help.

Ready to learn more about how to work with Pinnacle Global Network?
Call us at (888) 844-3550 or apply now for an exploratory call.