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Design your environments for success – with Jim Bunch

Have you ever come home from an event all fired up and committed to making changes in your life … … only to find yourself slipping back into bad habits and the same old ways of doing things within a matter of days? We all have. And my good friend Jim Bunch, a business expert…

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Finding good employees – with Chris Egan

Do you have a hard time finding good employees? If you’re like most business owners I know, the answer is a resounding YES. That’s why I’m sharing an interview I did with Chris Egan, president and founder of Celeritas, a specialized search and recruiting firm. As a recruiter, Chris sees both sides of the equation…

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Romancing the Phone (and Your Customers) – with Don Williams

You’ve probably heard that cold calling is dead. I beg to differ. Not only is it a fantastic way to prospect for new leads…It’s unparalleled in its ability to help you romance your customer. To learn more, join me for Allie & You. My guest is Don Williams, author of Romancing Your Customer: How to…

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3 ​S​imple I​nflue​nce​ T​echni​ques ​to make more sales in less time – with Michael Bernoff

The #1 problem that most business owners struggle with is improving sales. That’s why for this week’s Allie & You, I’m sharing an interview I did with one of the world’s top persuasion experts — my friend Michael Bernoff, the president and founder of the Human Communications Institute, a leader in the personal and professional…

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Don’t Let 2017 Pass Without A True Goodbye…Lessons Learned

What Memories of 2017 Do You Want to Acknowledge? We are coming to the close of 2017. At this time of year I always find it beneficial to take time and review the soon to be past year in it’s entirety. Make some space for yourself before January 1st. Then meditate on the following questions.…

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Do You Have A Soulful Business?

Does your business have soul? When your business is an expression of you at the deepest level, combined with passion and meaning that is of value to you, it has a greater changes of thriving and, so do you!

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What Life Changing Choices Are You Going To Make?

Stop for a moment and ask yourself these three powerful questions about life changing choices. ★At this very moment, are you who you want to be? ★★Is your daily life full of things you want to do? ★★Are you attaining the goals and fulfillment that you want to have? If you can answer “Yes” to…

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What Flavor Are You Choosing To Live Today? Live Guilt Free

What flavor is your day today and what flavor do you want it to be? Is it a pleasant and peaceful vanilla day, an overwhelming rocky road day, a powerful mocha day, an inspirational peppermint day, or my favorite passionate double fudge. Be deliberate and choose your favorite flavor and live guilt free, 100% all…

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What Life Choices Have You Made Out Of Facing Fear?

Think about how fear has played a role in your life and directly affected your choices regarding your relationships, careers, financial state, hobbies and values. What are you living now as a result of these negative beliefs? Here are some examples: Career: I am so worried about financial security that I am not really pursuing my dream career. I…

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