business growth

The Five Phases of Scaling—in a Nutshell

As you scale your business, your ultimate goal is to shift from being “the boss” to becoming a leader. Your end game is to remove yourself from the equation and build a self-managed company. Your role as the founder is to let go of the day-to-day, to strategize and build relationships to supercharge growth, and to…

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The Surprising Reason Why Most Execution Fails: Entrepreneurial ADD

In business, a brilliant idea is just a fantasy if it stays only in your head. Execution, the final stage of the SCALEit Method™, is when you set your strategy in motion and make everything happen. It’s all about taking action. You are the idea magnet, the visionary, the leader. Implementation—well, that’s another story. Execution…

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Six Surefire Ways for Your Team to Feel Appreciated

In all likelihood, you think you are doing everything right when it comes to how you treat your team. After all, you give them a regular paycheck and do your best to offer a competitive benefits plan. You’ve doled out raises and promotions when you felt they were deserved and the business could sustain them.…

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What Is Your Super Power?

Every business owner has a Super Power—and I don’t mean strength, speed, or even “Spidey” sense. I’m referring to the four Super Powers (aka “super pros” or “quadrants”) of your business and helping you hone in on the area where you shine the most. When you started your business, you were probably wearing every hat…

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8 Simple Things You Can Do Right Now to Jumpstart Cash Flow (SCALEit Method™ Step Two)

Cash flow. Do those words strike fear into your heart? First and foremost, you must believe that everything will all come together with your business. There will be down periods, but they won’t stay that way as long as you remain focused on your Big Picture Vision. The cash flow will funnel in if you…

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Blast Your Business into the Stratosphere with Your Strategic Vision (SCALEit Method™ Step One, Continued)

When we last left off in “Create the Company of Your Dreams with Strategic Vision,” you learned how to create your Strategic Vision, aka your Big Picture Vision. Now let’s take it a step — or three — further. The following exercise is one of my favorites and helps people bust through those limiting thoughts…

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Create the Company of Your Dreams with Strategic Vision (SCALEit Method™ Step One)

In my last installment, I introduced the SCALEit Method™ for growing your business. To refresh your memory, S.C.A.L.E. is an acronym for: Strategic Vision Cash Flow Alliance of the Team Leadership Execution YOU HAD—AND STILL HAVE—A DREAM Every business starts with a dream. Dreamers see beyond boundaries and limits. They see hope and abundance where…

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As I’ve said on numerous occasions, scaling a business is no easy task for small business owners and entrepreneurs. The road to expansion is bumpy and riddled with mental and strategic pitfalls that cause revenue bottlenecks and expansion headaches. Relax. Take a deep breath. Below you’ll discover a “Signature Roadmap of Scaling” that can guide…

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The Secret to Staying the Course with Your Business

As a small business owner seeking to grow revenue and profit, are there some days where you feel like “the little engine that could” from the children’s story? You keep chugging up the steep hill struggling to get to the top, all the while hearing an inner voice chant: “I think I can, I think…

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