
Finding Your Perfect Client

When it comes to finding your perfect client for your business, one important first step is to identify any existing clients that are already your favorites. Which of your current customers are simply a pleasure to work with? Who has given you favorable reviews? Which clients clearly value you and your business and pay on…

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Customer Personas: 6 Steps to Target Your Ideal Client

Stanley Marcus of Neiman Marcus once said, “Consumers are statistics. Customers are people.”  As you are focusing your business, it is crucial to understand who your ideal customer is.  Different personas require different language, messages, channels of communication, and promotions to reach them. Learn how to target your ideal client. Putting a Face to a…

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6 Golden Customer Service Tips to Keep Your Clients Loving You!

You cannot have a business without happy clients. Learn how to keep your clients happy and coming back for more.  As a business coach, I have a lot of experience in this area. These are my 6 golden customer service tips to keep your clients loving you! 1.  Really listen to your customers. You are…

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