scale or fail
Taking the Leap
What does flying on the trapeze have to do with scaling a business? The need to take a massive leap, of course! Far too many business owners play it small and safe, because they’re afraid to leap into the unknown. But they pay a massive price – the loss of millions (even billions) of dollars……
Creating Your Big Picture Vision
Can you quickly and easily describe where you want your company to be 3 to 5 years from now? Chances are… no. For most entrepreneurs, defining their vision is something they’ll get to “later” – after all the fires have been put out and to-do lists are completed. (But we all know that never happens,…
The 5 Phases to Building a Team-Managed Company
“I want to get my business to the next level…but I feel STUCK.”Can you relate? What many CEOs don’t realize is that there are 5 phases of business evolution… and just as we humans must follow a steady, predictable progression from infants to adults, our businesses MUST go through all 5 phases. Feeling stuck means…