scale your business

How Foreign Investors Can Help You Scale – with Lauren Cohen

When scaling your business, you’ll hit a point where you need an infusion of capital. Most business owners look for loans, grants, angel investors or venture capitalists. But here’s one that few CEOs know about or consider… Foreign investors. Foreign investors are uniquely positioned – and motivated – to help you scale your business. Better…

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Secrets for Scaling Quickly – with Dan Handford

We entrepreneurs are notorious for being able to spot opportunities… which is why most of us have multiple business ideas bouncing around in our heads. Yet relatively few business owners are able to scale their companies – much less create multiple thriving businesses. That’s why I interviewed serial entrepreneur Dan Handford for this week’s Allie…

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Ramp up Your Business with the Right Money Mindset

It may be hard to believe, but lottery winners are three to five times more likely to go bankrupt than the average American. How is that even possible? Most lottery winners are completely unprepared for their sudden wealth. Many of them ignore advice from financial experts. They take all of the money as a lump sum,…

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How to Flip Fear into Financial Fortune

When the stock market spirals downward, it’s known as a crash. When people react to market shifts by rushing to sell off their stocks, it’s known as panic selling. Crash and panic selling are not positive terms! The folks who unload their stock in a panic are reacting emotionally and ignoring all investing fundamentals. They…

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Six Foolproof Ways to Keep Your Energy Bank Full

Do you sometimes feel like your business is draining you of energy and you have nothing left in the tank for family, friends, and having fun? The first step to reclaiming your true self in business and in life is to find out where the energy leaks reside so that you can begin to repair them.…

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Taking the Leap

What does flying on the trapeze have to do with scaling a business? The need to take a massive leap, of course! Far too many business owners play it small and safe, because they’re afraid to leap into the unknown. But they pay a massive price – the loss of millions (even billions) of dollars……

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The Five Phases of Scaling—in a Nutshell

As you scale your business, your ultimate goal is to shift from being “the boss” to becoming a leader. Your end game is to remove yourself from the equation and build a self-managed company. Your role as the founder is to let go of the day-to-day, to strategize and build relationships to supercharge growth, and to…

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Four Simple Steps to Executing Your Roadmap

These past few weeks, I have introduced several of my SCALEit Method™ concepts to help guide you along your scaling journey. We’ve covered Strategic Vision, Cash Flow, Alliance of the Team, and Leadership and now we are in the midst of tackling Executing Your Roadmap. By now you have divided your schedule among Prep Days,…

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Creating Your Big Picture Vision

Can you quickly and easily describe where you want your company to be 3 to 5 years from now? Chances are… no. For most entrepreneurs, defining their vision is something they’ll get to “later” – after all the fires have been put out and to-do lists are completed. (But we all know that never happens,…

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