

My primary business goal in my CEO mentorship program is to help business owners become leaders and learn the proper methodology for company scaling. You cannot afford to allow your company to become passive and complacent, or else risk losing what you do have in the long term because of uncontrollable factors such as market…

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Taking the Leap

What does flying on the trapeze have to do with scaling a business? The need to take a massive leap, of course! Far too many business owners play it small and safe, because they’re afraid to leap into the unknown. But they pay a massive price – the loss of millions (even billions) of dollars……

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Creating Your Big Picture Vision

Can you quickly and easily describe where you want your company to be 3 to 5 years from now? Chances are… no. For most entrepreneurs, defining their vision is something they’ll get to “later” – after all the fires have been put out and to-do lists are completed. (But we all know that never happens,…

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The 5 Phases to Building a Team-Managed Company

“I want to get my business to the next level…but I feel STUCK.”Can you relate? What many CEOs don’t realize is that there are 5 phases of business evolution… and just as we humans must follow a steady, predictable progression from infants to adults, our businesses MUST go through all 5 phases. Feeling stuck means…

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Scaling a Business Effectively

How do some businesses make the jump into seven figures and beyond while others languish with stagnant growth? Why don’t the same strategies that help small businesses succeed translate to even larger successes as those same companies reach the seven-figure mark? The answer lies in the power of scaling. One of the most famous examples…

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