My primary business goal in my CEO mentorship program is to help business owners become leaders and learn the proper methodology for company scaling.

You cannot afford to allow your company to become passive and complacent, or else risk losing what you do have in the long term because of uncontrollable factors such as market shifts, the economy, and your competition. Your business will flatline by not taking action. This is why I’m providing the following condensed version of “Allison Maslan’s Top 12 Principles of Scaling a Business” to help forever emblazon them in your memory (if you haven’t already done so with our prior blog posts!).

The Top 12 Principles of Scaling a BusinessTHE TOP 12 PRINCIPLES OF SCALING YOUR BUSINESS

  1. Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s okay to fail—and you will at some point. Then you will recover and be smarter, stronger, and more resilient than ever before. 
  2. Passionately believe in your Big Picture Vision. Share it with your team, your customers, your partners, your friends, your family—anyone who will listen. Shut out the voices of those disbelievers. Don’t allow them to throw you off your path. 
  3. Always focus on ways to generate sales and keep the cash flow going. There are myriad ways to generate revenue for scaling your business, including Leveraging; Replicating Yourself; Hiring Forward; Upselling and Cross-Selling; Getting Customers to Buy More; Licensing; Expanding Globally; Franchising; Creating Certification Programs; and Buying Competitors. Find the ones that fit your model best and dive deeply with them on a daily basis (download my 17 Scalable Strategies to learn more methods for scaling companies).
  4. Invest in hiring your “A” Team. Having experts to run the weakest of your Four Quadrants will free you up to focus on where you shine most. Make sure the people on your team are in the right positions and fit your company culture. Then inspire them to accomplish great things (Discover the Four Quadrants and what you need to put in place to create your “A” Team with my free training and download here).
  5. Learn how to make quick decisions and stick to them. I hope I’ve drilled this in enough by now! 
  6. Delegate, delegate, delegate! Get out of the way of your employees and empower them, so that your company becomes a self-managed one. 
  7. Deal with the elephant in the room; embrace conflict to ultimately resolve it. Practice saying “no” and setting boundaries, even if they might disappoint people. Remember: “No is the new yes.”
  8. Create and improve systems and processes that support and drive your Big Picture Vision. Build your business through your systems—not your blood, sweat, and tears. 
  9. Don’t work with negative people. Life is too short. Period. 
  10. As the leader, everything bounces off you. To grow your business to 10 times its size, you need to elevate your own personal growth and leadership by 12 times, to handle all that growth. 
  11. Get support. Stop losing opportunities and wasting time and money recreating the wheel. To reach your goals in a fraction of the time, work with mentors who have walked this path before you—and succeeded. 
  12. Focus on creating abundance. Constant worry about your finances can wreck your business fast. 

Print out these dozen principles and mount them somewhere accessible and visible on your desk. Think of it as your personal business coach. It’s okay to slip every once in a while on your journey to scaling a business—remember, failure is Principle #1!—but these principles are there to help get you right back on track.

Business coaching and mentoring can be a valuable asset as you scale your business.


Wondering how you can achieve when it comes to scaling in business? This guidance can go a long way—I, and plenty of entrepreneurs and business leaders, have used these same principles to reach the heights of success.

Looking for support when applying company scaling principles to your own enterprise? Business coaching and mentoring can help you make the crucial connections between these guiding concepts and the unique and often complex nature of your own business. Our expert coaches offer one-on-one sessions where you will dive into issues, opportunities, strategies, and so much more. Combined with our Powerhouse Mastermind Calls and live and virtual events, you’ll have the foundation you need to scale your business to the next level.

Start working smarter, not harder! Download our 17 Ways to Scale Your Company Fast. This includes a  free download as well as a video training with Allison Maslan.

To learn more about everything Pinnacle Global Network has to offer, get in touch with us today!

learn how to scale your company fast
Allison Maslan

Allison Maslan

Allison Maslan, CEO of Pinnacle Global Network, is the Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author of Scale or Fail, which is endorsed by Daymond John and Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank. Allison’s built 10 successful companies starting out at age 19.

Now she and her team of CEO Mentors pay it forward by helping business owners scale their companies, fast-track their success, and create a more meaningful life. Pinnacle Global Network, a world leader in scaling companies and empowering business leaders has guided thousands of CEO's and Founders to success over the past decade. Allison’s been featured in Inc., Success, Fortune, Fast Company, and Forbes Magazines, is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine, and a featured expert on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and Fox across the US. She is also the host and producer of The Scale or Fail Show podcast, and the Women Who Own it Podcast in partnership with WBENC, the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in North America.

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